
Medical Equipment and Supply for Travellers

Dealing With Hearing Aid Feedback

If you've just been fitted with hearing aids, you may be experiencing a strange whistling sound. This is known as feedback, and it's common in hearing aids. Fortunately, it's usually easy to manage. This blog takes a closer look at what causes feedback and how to prevent it from occurring.

What Causes Hearing Aid Feedback?

Feedback from your hearing aid is a pesky problem to deal with, but it's important to understand its cause. Feedback occurs when the microphone inside your device picks up sound that is being emitted by the hearing aid itself. This results in a continuous loop of sound that leads to whistling or screeching noises. While this can happen anytime, it tends to be more likely in specific settings, like when you're using your phone or if other loud noises are nearby, such as fans. Understanding how feedback works and how to manage it can help you avoid those annoying sounds.

How Can You Manage Hearing Aid Feedback?

When it comes to issues with hearing aids, the first step is to make sure they are properly fitted and adjusted for your ears. Your audiologist will be able to provide the most accurate fitting assessment to find the right size and shape for your needs. If that isn't helping, try gently repositioning your hearing aids in your ear canals so they sit comfortably without any blockage of airflow. You should also remember to keep them clean and wax-free — a build-up of debris can create interference and contribute significantly to feedback issues. The combination of a good fit and regular cleaning can help ensure you get an improved sound experience from your hearing aids.

Consider should also investing in an acoustic feedback management system (AFMS) if nothing else works. These systems use digital technology to detect and reduce frequencies associated with feedback before they reach your ears. You can also purchase special earmolds that are designed to minimise feedback from coming into contact with your skin or clothing fabric.


Hearing aid feedback is uncomfortable and distracting, but don't let it stop you from enjoying all of the benefits of wearing a hearing aid. With some adjustments and maybe an AFMS system, you'll soon be able to enjoy the crystal-clear sound without any annoying whistle or screech interfering with your listening experience. If you're still having trouble managing your hearing aid feedback, don't hesitate to contact your audiologist or hearing aid supplier for help — they'll be happy to assist you.

For more information on hearing aids, contact a professional near you.

About Me

Medical Equipment and Supply for Travellers

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Jill, and I have lived all over the world. I have been everywhere from Australia to Holland to the States and back to Australia. Throughout all of my moves and journeys, I have struggled with diabetes. However, I never let it stop me from reaching my dreams or my travel goals. I learned how to find medical equipment and supplies anywhere, and I learned how to travel through customs with those items. If you want tips on buying, packing or travelling with medical equipment and supplies, you have come to the right place. Please, explore, enjoy and embrace these ideas!


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